MojadiFren, dari ketiga expert, ada satu kesamaan yang bisa kita lihat, yaitu menyukai dan berani tampil di depan umum. Kak Alia dan Kak Indra pernah menjadi jurnalis. Untuk menjadi seorang jurnalis, tentu harus berani berinteraksi dengan berbagai macam orang untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dicari. Sementara, Kak Arief sering mengisi acara sebagai MC (master ceremony), yang pastinya harus percaya diri.
Selain percaya diri, menjadi seorang jurnalis maupun MC, harus memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik. Kemampuan inilah yang akan sangat menunjang untuk berinteraksi di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari baik di lingkungan keluarga, sekolah, maupun di lingkungan yang lebih luas lagi.
MojadiFren, terkait dengan berkomunikasi, pernahkah kamu mengalami kejadian saat tidak terjalin komunikasi yang baik sehingga menyebabkan kesalahpahaman?
Pada bagian modul "Perkenalan", kita bisa menarik kesimpulan bahwa para expert sudah aktif mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan akademis maupun non-akademis sejak di bangku sekolah. Semakin terbiasa mengikuti kegiatan akademis maupun non-akademis, tentunya kemampuan yang kita miliki akan semakin terlatih dan menambah banyak pengalaman. Pada akhirnya, kemampuan yang sering dilatih, juga pengalaman yang didapatkan akan menjadi modal yang sangat berguna untuk diterapkan di berbagai lingkungan kelak.
1. Mars meteorology mission
In 2010, it was discovered that a 1999 Mars meteorology mission was the victim of miscommunication. NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter burned up in the Martian atmosphere on Nov. 10, 1999 because of scientists who failed to convert units from imperial to metric. Engineers concluded that the software calculated pounds of force as opposed to the metric unit of Newtons.
2. Ignoring a message
The famous Battle of Trenton during the American War of Independence was one of the most remembered battles in United States history. Although George Washington was victorious, it was actually due to a little bit of luck. A spy had supposedly handed Johann Rall, a General of the Hessian regiments, a note that consisted of information regarding the American army’s whereabouts. Rall put it in his pocket and ignored it, possibly giving the Americans a victory.
3. 1854’s charge of the Light Brigade
We should really read things thoroughly before making decisions. Lord Cardigan of the British Calvary probably wished he took this advice after misreading an order and instead of fighting a small enemy unit, he attacked against a much larger Russian army. The region of the battle is now identified as the "Valley of Death."
4. Nikita Kruschev’s ’My vas pokhoronim’
Soviet Union leader Nikita Kruschev attended a reception at the Polish Embassy in Moscow. He spoke to Western ambassadors and said to them "My vas pokhoronim." Unfortunately, American reporters mistranslated what he stated into "we will bury you" rather than "We will dig you in." It led to greater tensions between the West and Soviet Russia because this was at the height of the Cold War, a time when the world was on the brink of destruction.
5. A wrong turn for the archduke
On Jun. 28, 1914, a terrorist group attempted to firebomb the vehicle Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were in. It was a failed attempt on their lives, but it did hurt and kill a few nearby people. When the driver for Ferdinand made a wrong turn due to a miscommunication, one of the conspirators to kill Ferdinand was sitting on the road and was then able to shoot and kill the Archduke.
6. 2012 end of the world
Do you remember a couple of years ago when many people thought the world was coming to an end because the Mayan calendar suggested it? The world was slated to end Dec. 21, 2012 because that’s when the Mayan calendar ended. However, this was a misunderstanding because this just signified the end of a regular year (think Dec. 31).
7. Dead or alive: the media makes a blunder
In 2006, there was a serious mining accident in West Virginia. Early reports suggested that 11 of the 12 men were alive, which generated much jubilation. Unfortunately, because of a miscommunication - apparently the one relaying the information wore a mask so it muffled his speech - 11 of the 12 men were actually dead.
8. The 1977 plane crash
In 1977, two Boeing 747 airplanes crashed on the Los Rodeos Airport runway, which killed 583 people, because the fog was so thick neither plane could see each other. The tragedy was due to a miscommunication between the captain of the KLM plane and the air traffic control tower. The pilot believed he had clearance for takeoff. He did not.
9. Friendly fire in Afghanistan
A military investigation concluded that an entirely avoidable miscommunication mistake was the result of a "friendly fire" accident in Afghanistan. Five American soldiers and one Afghanistan soldier were mistaken as the enemy and were struck by two laser-guided bombs from a B-1 bomber.
10. Three New Jersey schools on lockdown
A single text message without any details led to three New Jersey schools to be swarmed by police officers and placed under lockdown. School officials say the student’s text message to a parent was incorrect because the smartphone wasn’t working properly. The miscommunication prompted the three-hour lockdown - the content of the text message was never revealed.
Sumber : Top 10 Times Miscommunication Ended in Disaster (